Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's A Major Award

I have even more incentive to get my bum foot completely healed. I was just notified by the race director of Ragnar - Northwest Passage that the video I put together for our team this year (Extreme Cow Tippers of Mill Creek) won first place in the video competition. With that, we get a free team entry next year (over $1000). That's pretty exciting, if I do say so myself!

In case you missed it, here's the video (warning - the song gets stuck in your head):


  1. That's definitely a huge award, and your video deserves it!

  2. I think you should charge a fee to your runners and put that into renting a couple Limos for the race... and beer!

    Oh yeah, congrats!

  3. Thanks.
    Good idea on the limos. The minivans got a little crowded this year. Maybe one with an ice bath/hot tub combo in the back.

  4. Cool video! Thx! and great result congrats!

    Cheers from Tokyo!


  5. Wow, 1000 bucks is big time. Nice work.
